What Will Jesus Second Coming Be Like

As I was sharing with you last Friday, Jesus gave His followers signs to recognize when the season of his return was getting near. Join me in Matthew 24 of God's Word, as we examine the signs He gave us. Verses 4-5, "…take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." From Wikipedia – List Of Messiah Claimants, and List Of People Claimed To Be Jesus – there have been 75 fakes, 12 of which, or 16%, are living right now. Verses 6-7 "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:"

The first and most important point I want you to give complete attention to is that even with the bad news in these first several prophecies, Jesus tells us do not be troubled.

The only way we will not feel worried or downright disturbed by such news as wars, famines, diseases, earthquakes is if we are unshakable in our faith in him whose name is Faithful! We must trust that God is good, that He loves us, and that we, His children, are in the palm of His hand as He's said in John 10:27-29. Also cling to Psalm 61:1-5, 62:6-8. "When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I…He only is my rock and my salvation:" If we only believe, there is no room for fear!

The facts and figures – from Wikipedia list of ongoing armed conflicts – only counting conflicts with at least 100 deaths in the past two years, there are 32 wars, involving 64 countries right now. Low-end estimate is more than 12 million casualties in the past 50 years. Continuing verse 7 "and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers (various) places." from Wikipedia – famines – since 1980 to present approximately 3,000,000 have starved to death. Suring the 20th century alone, an estimated 70-100 million people died from famines.

Pestilence – Webster's definition: "any virulent (deadly) disease." From unaids report on the global aids epidemic, since AIDS began in the 1920s to the present, there have been 36 million people to die of aids. Does anyone remember ebola of 2012? 12,913 fatalities. From the World Health Organization, cases of malaria, cholera, measles, hepatitis b, influenza, and rotavirus, the one-year total is 1,504,200 deaths. According to the CDC, from late 2019 to our present hour, the Coronavirus global pandemic has claimed more than one million lives.

From the usgs.gov, significant earthquakes list – I researched only those 6.0 magnitude and up. In 10 year increments from 1900-1909 (288), 1910-1919 (323), 1920-1929 (315), 1930-1939 (378), 1940-1949 (466), 1950-1959 (451), 1960-1969 (655), 1970-1979 (1,031), 1980-1989 (1,111), 1990-1999 (1,186), 2000-2009 (1,498), 2010-2019 (1,496). In the first 10 years of our 21st century we have had five times more earthquakes than the first 10 years of the 20th century!

Matthew 24:8-9 "they shall deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name sake." From Open Doors USA – most recent figures available show there were 2,983 documented Christian martyr deaths in 2019. Next in verse 12 "and because iniquity (sin) shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." From the United Nations office on drugs and crime – worldwide in 2018 – 874,100 people were murdered (intentional homicide). Consider the inhumanity of human trafficking. From fbi.gov crime in usa report – in 2019 there were 1,203,808 cases of violent crimes. America is number 1 for cases of rape in the world, with 139,815. from abort73.com – consider also the cold-blooded killing of innocent babies. America has "legally" aborted more th an 53 million children from 1973-2011 (the last year recorded). America may have stopped counting but God has not! Truly the world is progressively growing colder because of sin.

Friends, please don't despair. Remember to keep focused on Jesus for peace of heart in these end times. Isaiah 26:3 says, "thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee." Next week i'll share with you great hope with "the good signs". God bless you and keep you, as you follow him.

George Randall Jr. is the minister to youth at Rocky Ford Christian Church in Cana, Virginia.

What Will Jesus Second Coming Be Like

Source: https://www.mtairynews.com/features/church/90775/unsettling-signs-of-jesus-return

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