"Why Am I Broken-hearted for No Reason?" Recognizing and Treating an Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is not uncommon. In fact, it'southward the most common mental illness in U.Due south. adults. Still, many of us walk effectually wondering, "why am I anxious for no reason?" Anxiety is the near frustrating when it seems to come up out of nowhere, for no reason. If you're request yourself, "how exercise I know when my anxiety needs handling?", you're probably at the bespeak when talking to a therapist could assist a lot. Yous don't take to struggle with anxiety; information technology'due south entirely treatable. So go help today.

Laura was worried all the fourth dimension and she didn't know why. Her job was going keen, she had a good relationship with her boyfriend, and had a close circle of friends. Still, she was always restless and watchful, and a feeling of dread followed her everywhere she went. Driving on the highway was the worst of all. 1 evening she was driving habitation when she was startled by a law car turning on its lights and sirens behind her. Her center raced, her palms were sweaty, and the steering wheel was hard to hold on to. She was sure she was going to die. But she put on her hazard lights and managed to pull onto the shoulder as the police machine passed her by. She had a full-blown panic assail correct there—and vowed never to drive on the highway again.

Her mother told her to try talking to a therapist. After a few sessions, the therapist got Laura to remember the get-go fourth dimension she had anxiety—it happened while driving dwelling house from a friend's funeral.

"Everything in my life is going fine," Laura said. "Why would I beginning remembering this at present?"

"That'southward exactly why," the therapist said. "You lot're in a prophylactic position in life, so unresolved feelings start to bubble upwardly. It's like our bodies know nosotros can now handle facing them. But we feel attacked, broken-hearted, or in danger, even though we are actually condom and sound."

Perplexed but encouraged, Laura started going to therapy twice a week and got a prescription for anti-anxiety medication. She was determined to get to the lesser of her mysterious anxiety that seemed to come and go without cause.

Anxiety Is Non Uncommon

Anxiety is scary. It gnaws at you wherever you go, sapping the joy out of life. You could be prophylactic at home with your family and nevertheless experience it; a constant worry buzzing in the back of your heed that tin abound into panic. It can make your most important tasks feel impossible. Who tin work, drive a automobile, or care for children when they can merely focus on their intense feelings of fear? It's even worse when y'all take no idea why you're anxious. If you can't understand it, how can you explain it to your family, friends, or co-workers? Feet can brand you feel isolated, and no one should have to become through a scary fourth dimension alone.

If y'all're experiencing anxiety, you've got company. According to the Feet and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most mutual mental illnesses in our land, afflicting about xl million adults a yr. And although effective treatment is available, only 36.9% of sufferers are treated. People may feel embarrassed about albeit that they're anxious. They may be dismissive of their anxiety. Or, they may not be aware that frequent anxiety is a mental health problem. But awareness of your anxiety is the first step in getting treatment for it—and in understanding its causes.

Why Am I Anxious for No Reason?

Anxiety can be caused past a variety of things: stress, genetics, encephalon chemistry, traumatic events, or environmental factors. Symptoms tin can be reduced with anti-anxiety medication. But even with medication, people may still feel some anxiety or even panic attacks. The best treatment combines medication with therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. If the anxiety is rooted in trauma, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) may be the best course.

Feet normally has a trigger—an issue or idea that provokes an broken-hearted response. Even so, most people aren't aware of their triggers, and believe they have get broken-hearted for no reason. As man beings evolved, our species developed an instinctual response to danger, known as "fight, flight, or freeze". The sympathetic nervous system makes our bodies and minds react quickly when we are in danger, and we may choose to stand and fight, run away, or stay totally still equally if playing dead, known equally the "freeze" response.

Our anxiety, or fright, evolved as an alarm bell to move us into life-saving activity. In our modern world, nosotros encounter conflicts that aren't really life-threatening. Only our nervous system doesn't know this, and so we can react to a variety of stimuli with the fight, flight, or freeze response, even when it is inappropriate. Add together this to the fact that anxiety tin can as well cause confusion or disassociation, and you can see why the verbal causes of your anxiety are often so difficult to pivot down.

How Do I Know When My Anxiety Needs Treatment?

Any fourth dimension a mental wellness issue such equally anxiety gets so far out of hand that it disrupts your daily life, information technology's time to go help. Especially if i or more symptoms cause you lot a lot of distress and worry, you should seek treatment before your symptoms get worse.

Most mental health disorders be on a spectrum. For some people, symptoms are less astringent and respond well to outpatient treatment. Merely for many others, it's going to take intensive handling to brand headways into recovery. Especially if you've tried outpatient therapy and information technology hasn't worked, residential treatment could exist your best option.

But how do you know when your feet is severe and lasting enough to qualify as an actual disorder? It'south impossible to pinpoint without a clinician, merely you can learn to spot the same signs a clinician would wait for.

Your anxiety may qualify as a disorder if whatever of the following symptoms occur:

  • Worrying excessively most many things at once, possibly shifting oftentimes between dissimilar topics
  • Feeling anxious for half dozen or more than months at a time
  • Feeling "out of control" or like you can't handle the stress of your anxiety

And, the anxiety occurs with at to the lowest degree three of these symptoms:

  • Restlessness or irritability
  • Feeling fatigued oftentimes or getting tired easily
  • Difficulty concentrating or "blanking out" on thoughts and ideas
  • Sore or achy muscles
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep

Wherever and whenever you decide to seek handling, don't feel ashamed, don't be afraid, and don't requite up. You are doing the right affair past getting assist with your anxiety. And one day soon, your backbone volition pay off when you begin to overcome your anxiety and commencement feeling more than in command of your life.

Overcoming Anxiety with Proper Treatment

Residential treatment is an fantabulous way to get the care yous need for your feet, both in terms of healing its causes and learning how to cope with the disorder. In that location are many different anxiety disorders, and a practiced residential program will begin with an initial evaluation and an accurate diagnosis, which is key to sustainable recovery. They will requite yous comprehensive treatment—not just for your anxiety, but any co-occurring disorders that may be nowadays. Residential clinicians will delve into the root causes and triggers of your anxiety, and zippo in on the areas where healing work must exist washed.

You'll receive 24-hr care at a residential treatment facility. That means if y'all have a panic set on at any time, solar day or dark, there will exist someone there to support you through it. Yous'll receive medication from a psychiatrist to aid ease your symptoms. And if you're currently on medication, the medico can adjust it until you lot're feeling better. You'll never alone, as you'll be in a community of people who, similar you, are struggling with anxiety and other challenges. And you'll be in a pristine healing environs, far away from the situations, people, or places that may take been making your feet worse. In short, a residential treatment facility is a soothing, safe place to heal where you can build up your conviction and learn the coping mechanisms necessary to manage and live beyond the boundaries set by your anxiety.

Get Assist for Your Anxiety Today

People like Laura recover from feet every 24-hour interval. She's learned in therapy how to identify the causes of her feet and has fabricated first-class progress. Her recovery is also proof of how yous too can heal from the endless brunt of anxiety. Her story shows that people can move past their anxiety and become on to lead full, and happy lives. Even if it doesn't feel that mode now, things can become improve for you lot with fourth dimension, patience, and appropriate care.

To make that happen, yous need to start working with a mental health professional right away. The sooner you seek help, the sooner you tin begin to put your fears behind you and build the life you lot long for. It'south time to overcome your fears. It may exist hard to imagine now, but one twenty-four hours you lot volition outset to feel happy, confident, and safe once again.

Bridges to Recovery offers comprehensive residential handling for people struggling with mental health disorders as well as process addictions. Contact us to learn more most our renowned Los Angeles programs and how we tin help you or your loved 1 get-go the journey toward healing.