Complete Survey

We usually observe 50 to 100 water crystals from one water sample. For educational purpose, we usually choose a representative one from them (e.g. "Messages from Water"). Because of this situation, there is a criticism that we would have chosen intentionally those photographs which correspond to what we would like to say.

Josef Bauer, Cinderella GmbH Strengthen the energetic field of a person and protect him/her from negative energies. Its outside cover is made of a metal; inside it contains a powder of rock crystal into  which positive energies have been transferred. He had suffered for years from illness  which his doctor diagnosed as multiple sclerosis (MS).He succeeded in curing his disease using this ORGANO pendant.

As a result, there are more beautiful water crystals observed from water treated by Organo than the distilled water.

Double-Blind Experiment with Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)

1) Four plastic bottles water were purchased for this test. The researcher of IONS assigned labels A through D to the bottles, and then two of those bottles were randomly selected (using a tossed die) to be the "treated" water (A and B), and the remaining two were set aside as "control" water (C and D). The treated bottles were placed inside a double steel-walled electromagnetically shielded room (Lindgren solid core …) at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) in California, in preparation for the experiment.

2) We did not inform Dr. Emoto in advance that we were going to set aside additional water bottles as controls. The two control bottles were each wrapped in aluminum foil, placed in separate cardboard boxes in preparation for mailing, and stored on a desk on another floor of the building that housed the shielded room.
3) On November 16, 2005, at the Second International Water for Life Festival in Tokyo, some 5,000 miles from the IONS laboratory, Dr. Emoto led a group of about 2,000 people in a prayer directed towards the water in the IONS laboratory. He showed the audience where the IONS laboratory was in relationship to Tokyo by using a sequence of images from the Google Earth global mapping application. Then he showed the picture of the bottles inside the shielded chamber, with the words of an intentional "prayer for water" overlaid on the photo. After explaining the photo and purpose of the experiment, he led the group in speaking aloud the words of the prayer. This lasted about 5 minutes.

4) The day after the conference, we labeled the bottles A through D as appropriate, then wrapped each bottle identically in aluminum foil and bubble wrap, placed each bottle in a separate box, and then mailed the four boxes to Dr. Emoto's laboratory in Tokyo. After mailing the boxes we informed him about the two control bottles, adding that we would retain the unblinding key until after we had received photos of all crystals they had identified from water samples taken from the four bottles.

5) Upon receiving the boxes, the analyst in Dr. Emoto's laboratory examined 50 drops of water from each bottle.


This test indicates that the analyst in Emoto's laboratory blindly identified slightly more aesthetic crystals in the intentionally treated condition than in the control condition (24 vs. 16, p = 0.13 by exact binomial). It is noteworthy that 40% of the identified crystals came from the control water, making it clear that if the analyst knows anything about the condition of the water being analyzed then perceptual and selective reporting biases would likely influence which crystals are ultimately selected. However, independent blind assessment of the identified crystals found that the treated crystals were significantly more aesthetically appealing than the control crystals (p = 0.003, one-tailed). This supports the claim that intention can influence the formation of water crystals.